Terms and conditions NEROLI S.A.S.

These terms and conditions and privacy policies define and clarify the conditions under which access to and use of the services offered by NEROLI will be governed, within the website www.neroli.com.co or other related domains (URLs) (hereinafter “Website”), where these Terms and Conditions are located, thereby framing the relationship of use and access between you and NEROLI through its Website.

Any person wishing to access, subscribe to, and/or use the Website must adhere to the General Terms and Conditions and the Personal Data Protection Policies, along with all other policies and principles governing NEROLI that are incorporated herein directly or by reference, or that are explained and/or detailed in other sections of the Website.

Consequently, all visits and transactions conducted on this Website, as well as their legal effects, will be governed by these rules and subject to the applicable legislation in Colombia.

Anyone who does not accept these General Terms and Conditions or the Privacy Policies, which are mandatory and binding concerning NEROLI, must refrain from using the Website and/or the products and services available on it.

It should be noted that both the Website and these agreements may be assigned to third parties for transfer of ownership and management.

The User must read, understand, and accept all the conditions established in the General Terms and Conditions and in NEROLI’s Personal Data Processing Policies, as well as in any other documents incorporated by reference, prior to registering as a User on the Website and/or acquiring products, services, or providing any data for any purpose.

If the user uses the Website, it will imply full acceptance of the conditions established in the General Terms and Conditions and in NEROLI’s Policies. By using the Website and/or its services, the User agrees to comply with them explicitly, not being able to claim ignorance of such General Terms and Conditions and the Personal Data Processing Policy, nor of the legal effects deriving from them.


Content. Refers to statements contained in a document or publication of any type and may include information and communication technologies. This covers all types of media such as images and text.

Domain. A unique name that identifies a sub-area of the Internet. The main purpose of domain names and the domain name system is to translate IP addresses of each asset on the network into memorable and easy-to-find terms.

Personal Data Processing Policy. A legal document outlining how an organization retains, processes, or handles user and customer data. It is primarily used on a website where the user creates an account.

Website. A collection of electronic files and web pages related to a particular topic, including a home page usually called the home page, which can be accessed through a specific domain name and Internet address. The Website is located at www.neroli.com.co.

Terms and Conditions. Also known as terms of use and contracting, are elements that regulate the relationship with the user regarding access to the content and services made available through the website.

URL. Stands for Uniform Resource Locator. As such, the URL is the specific address assigned to each of the resources available on the web so that they can be located or identified.

User. A natural person who visits the Website to consult information of interest and/or to acquire the offered services.

Use of the Website

1. Capacity

The Services are only available to individuals who have the legal capacity to contract, a minimum age of 18 years, or the age legally capable of contracting according to their place of residence. Services cannot be used by those lacking such capacity.

Actions performed by minors on this Website will be the responsibility of their parents, guardians, or curators, and will be considered as performed by them in exercise of the legal representation they hold. Anyone registering a User as a company must have the capacity to contract on behalf of such entity and bind it under the terms of this Agreement.

2. Modifications

Please note that these Terms and Conditions may be subject to changes or updates at any time, and the Website may not provide direct notice of such changes or updates beyond postings on its web page.

NEROLI reserves the right to make any changes or updates at any time, which will be communicated to users through its means, without releasing the user from the burden of routinely checking for updates. By continuing to use our Website and the content provided, you confirm that you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions.

If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, do not use our Website or any of the Content appearing on it.


1. Testimonials and Success Stories

Our Website may include testimonials and success stories from clients to provide readers with feedback and information on the experiences of others with our services, Website, and products. While all information, photos, and quotes used are from real clients sharing their honest and genuine opinions about our Website and services, these testimonials should not be considered as a guarantee that current or future clients will experience the same results or that all clients will have the same experience. You understand and agree that by reading a testimonial featured on our Website, you do not expect the same results and understand that this information is not a guarantee.

2. Publications

If you decide to post something on our Website, social media pages, you hereby agree and acknowledge that you will not post anything that may harm us or another user, nor include any defamatory, harmful, hurtful, or disturbing statements. You understand that if you decide to post content that constitutes cyberbullying, your comments will be removed immediately, and we reserve the right to take action against you to the full extent of the applicable laws.

You may use our Website only for lawful purposes and agree not to post, comment, or transmit any content that infringes on the rights of others and agree to indemnify us if you do. You also agree and understand that you should not post any content that constitutes a criminal offense, uses the Website or content for fraudulent or unlawful purposes, creates civil liability, is repugnant, constitutes a violation of another person’s intellectual property rights, is vulgar or obscene in any way, or is objectionable in any way. You agree that NEROLI is the sole judge of whether the content you post is objectionable, and we have the unilateral right to remove any content you post, without explanation or reasons.

3. Disclaimer

We cannot and do not guarantee any specific results, changes, or profits through the use of our Website or the statements and data contained within the Website as reference. You understand and acknowledge that nothing contained on this Website or in any product or service available in this document is intended to replace a consultation with any professional, as well as a direct consultation with advisors available through NEROLI’s contact channels regarding the specific needs of each Website User.

You understand and agree that our Website and the Content and Products generated should not be invoked in any way as medical, cosmetic, investment, or commercial advice.

Your decision to visit our Website, use the information and products contained in this document is purely voluntary, and you understand that we are not responsible for any damage or harm to you or your business as a result of the direct or indirect use of materials or content on our Website. You agree to hold NEROLI harmless from any direct or indirect damage resulting from your use of the Content or products/services on our Website or information distributed by email, and agree that you will not make any claims against us or the company.

4. Intellectual and Industrial Property

This collection of work, as well as the content, products, brands, statements, inventory, formulas, images, and other elements present on the Website is considered intellectual property created and owned by NEROLI, and is protected by intellectual property laws, which prevent unauthorized use of our materials. These materials may include, among others: trademarked and copyrighted material, as well as all and any original works on our Website and within the provided content, including, but not limited to, Website design, layout, photographs, graphics, words, audio files, digital downloads, content, information, documents, data, our logo, illustrations, color scheme, brand and/or its placement on the Website, to the extent it can be protected, and all other information accessible through this Website, which constitutes proprietary information. This protection also includes all content appearing on the Website, including blog entries, program names, and any other text, whether created by NEROLI or not, which it is allowed to use through direct negotiations with third parties owning this intellectual property.

In addition to Content, trademarks, whether word marks or figurative marks, service marks, industrial designs, and any other element of intellectual property that is part of the Content (the “Industrial Property”) are owned by NEROLI and, therefore, cannot be used by Users in connection with any product or service not provided by NEROLI or in a manner that may cause confusion with its clients or discredit the Company or the Supplier Companies.

5. Intellectual Property Violations

You understand and acknowledge that a violation of these intellectual property laws is understood to occur if you decide to copy, alter, publish, sell, assist others in selling, manipulate, distribute, or otherwise exploit any of the contents or intellectual property on the Website without our express written consent. If such behavior is discovered or suspected, we reserve the right to take legal action for any infringement or actionable misuse to the full extent of the law.


1. Technological Disclaimer

By using our Website, you understand and agree that NEROLI does not offer any guarantees regarding the condition of the Website, including functionality, the presence of viruses or other components that may harm users’ computers, uninterrupted use, constant access and availability, and similar aspects.

We will do our best to ensure that our Website is available to you at all times; however, from time to time the Website may be down for maintenance, repairs, due to “crashing” or excessive use, or for any other reason, known or unknown to you, and you accept and understand that this may occur without explanation. Should this occur, you understand, accept, and acknowledge that we are not responsible for any damage, loss, business interruption, or other inconvenience suffered by you as a direct or indirect result of the unavailability of our Website.

The Website and all content and products provided are offered “as is,” without any additional warranty attached. You understand and agree that we are not obligated to continue operating all or any part of our Website or any content on it, or any specific product offered for sale, nor will we be liable for any damage to your business or yourself as a direct or indirect result of a decision to alter, delete, or change the Content without prior notice.

2. Limitation of Liability

We will take reasonable precautions and measures to keep this information private. Although we will attempt to monitor and resist any third-party hacking or capability for third parties to access confidential information in our possession, you agree and understand that we are not responsible for any unauthorized access or use of your information or property, regardless of negligence, failures, torts, breach of implied or express contract, or any other cause of action or legal theories of liability, even if such theories may have been foreseeable or preventable, or if we were made aware of such a possibility.

3. Limitation of Liability Regarding Information

You understand and agree that the information provided through the Website is general information that may not be suitable for all people, businesses, locations, countries, or people in specific situations. You understand that your decision to use any information or acquire any product or service published on our Website is purely voluntary. You agree and understand that we will be exempt from any liability for any direct or indirect, perceived or real damage to your person or business as a result of choosing to use the information found on our Website.

We are not responsible for any outcome derived from your decision to use the information provided by us, nor are we responsible for your mental or physical health, income, finances, profits, business, clientele, customer base, or any other outcome, and you agree that we are not responsible for such damages or losses incurred.

Any comments, concerns, or claims regarding these Terms and Conditions, the Personal Data Processing Policy, or the execution of any of these, should be notified in writing to NEROLI at the following email address: [email protected].
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